
Horeca Equipment Storage: Maximize Space and Seasonal Flexibility 

Horeca Equipment Storage Maximize Space And Seasonal Flexibility

Horeca Equipment Storage: Maximize Space and Seasonal Flexibility 

From the chefs used to display food to table napkins and seasonal decorations, it requires supplies to run a successful restaurant or catering business.  

Where do you store the items when not in use? In a restaurant, space is money. Space for storage takes away from the table.  

With a storage unit rental, you can store your restaurant or catering supplies in your business where you can easily reach them. 

Restaurant and Catering Storage Uses 

Find examples of restaurant and catering supplies in a storage unit below. 

Extra tables and chairs 

Depending on the season, you may have fewer or extra tables or chairs set up in your restaurant. During the holiday season, you may have more chairs set up to make room for parties.  

If there’s a special event, you may have to clear out a few tables and chairs to make room for entertainment. A storage unit rental allows you to be flexible with seating. 

Seasonal decorations 

Many restaurants will celebrate various seasons through decorations. Since these items aren’t up year-round, it is significant to have a location to store them during the off-season.  

A storage unit rental allows restaurants to fully embrace each holiday while not cluttering the restaurant with decorations once the season ends. 


During the busy season, you may need more dinnerware, glasses, napkins and more than you need when it’s not the busy season.  

A storage unit rental allows you to stay flexible with the seasonality while having enough dinnerware for everyone. 

How to Store Catering and Restaurant Supplies 

Store your restaurant and catering supplies and inventory to ensure they’re ready. 

Only store clean and dry items 

This tip is important. If the serving dishes, dinnerware, chairs or tables aren’t clean and dry, don’t store them in a storage unit.  

Storing an item that’s either dirty or not entirely dry can result in a mould or mildew outbreak in your storage unit. 

Utilize climate-controlled storage 

When storing decorations, wooden furniture and more, it’s essential to utilize a climate-controlled storage unit. 

A climate-controlled storage unit will help to protect your belongings from any temperature fluctuations. 

Keep commonly used items towards the front: To minimize the time you must spend digging through your storage unit, always keep items used often towards the front of your unit. 

Seasonal items only used once a year can be stored closer to the back of your storage unit.

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Supreet Kaur
Supreet Kaur

Freelance digital content writer, storyteller, and proofreader who loves to create innovative and fresh content.